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Moving on Towards
Spiritual Maturity


Prophecies Concerning Jesus Christ

Prophecy                              Foretold                    Fulfilled

Descendant of Abraham            Gen. 12:3,7                   Gal. 3:16; Matt. 1:1
From the tribe of Judah             Gen. 49:10                    Heb. 7:14
From the royal line of David       2 Sam. 7:12, 13            Mat.1:6; Luke 1:31-33
Born of a virgin                         Is. 7:14                        Matt. 1:22, 23
Called Emmanuel                      Is. 7:14                        Matt. 1:23
Born in Bethlehem                    Micah 5:2                      Matt. 2:5, 6
Worshipped by wise men           Is. 60:3, 6, 9                 Matt. 2:11
Triumphal entry into Jerusalem  Zech. 9:9                       Matt. 21:4, 5
Rejected Cornerstone                Ps. 118:22, 23               Matt. 21:42
Betrayed by a friend                  Ps. 55:12-14                 Matt. 26:14-16;
                                               Zech. 11:12, 13             21-23
Crucified between Thieves         Is. 53:12                       Matt. 27:38; Luke 22:37
Garments parted and gambled   Ps. 22:18                       Luke 23:34
Bones left unbroken                  Ex. 12:46; Num 9:12      John 19:33-36
Buried with the rich                   Is. 53:9                         Matt. 28:2-7
Ascended to heaven                  Ps. 24:7-10                   Luke 24:51

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Copyright(c) 1995 NICKY JOYA
EBFC, Inc., Mandaluyong City

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