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Me Lesson 8: Why Should I Study the Bible? The Bible is God's Word to mankind. Millions have been awed by its contents and countless lives attest to its transforming power. In spite of these, however, many still hesitate to read the Bible, much less to believe its contents. A lot of people question its validity: Why should I study the Bible? Is it reliable? Is it really God's Word? In this lesson, we are going to answer these questions concerning the Bible. The Bible Is God's Word God is the One speaking in the Bible. This is sufficient reason why we should study it. The following are evidences for the Bible's Divine Authorship. 1. Its Unity The Bible consists of sixty-six books written over a span of 1,600 years, by forty writers from different locations and backgrounds. It was written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament). The Bible, however, agrees on all details. It contains no contradictions. This is only possible if there is One Divine Author behind these writings. 2. Its Authoritativeness History: Archaeological discoveries were able to confirm much of the history of the Bible. Dates, places, important persons and events written in the Bible have been confirmed by genuine historical documents. Millar Burrows, Yale Archaeologist, attests to the historical reliability of the Bible: "...on the whole, archaeological work has unquestionable strengthened confidence in the reliability of the scriptural record. More than one archaeologist has found his respect for the Bible increased by the excavation in Palestine." Another example is given by Dr. Randall Gleason: "The Old Testament mentions the Hittites nearly fifty times. But for centuries, scholars questioned the Bible because they had discovered no evidence of such a people. In 1906, however, the Hittite capital was uncovered in Turkey. The discoveries in 1976 of tablets in the ancient city of Ebla in northern Syria have brought to light a wealth of historical material that supports the biblical record." Science: The Bible does not contain absurd and fanciful scientific ideas. Whenever it speaks about matters of science, it is always accurate. Examples: Job 26:7 (Law of Gravity); Is. 55:10 (Water Cycle); Is. 40:22 (Shape of the earth); Ps. 19:4-6 (Movement of heavenly bodies). 3. Its Prophetic Accuracy The fact that the Bible contains hundreds of fulfilled prophecies proves that God is the Author (See APPENDIX). Someone has said that probability computers estimate that if a prophecy concerning a person, place or event has 25 details, there is one chance in more than 33 million of its accidental fulfillment. 4. Its Indestructibility Ever since, men and governments have tried to destroy the Holy Scriptures. Nevertheless, it is still the number one best-seller of all generations. 5. Its Transforming Effects The fact that millions of lives have been changed by the Bible points to its supernatural Authorship. 6. Its Own Claim The Bible itself, claims to be the very Word of God to mankind (2 Tim. 3:16, 17). If the Bible is really God's Word, it also means... It is Perfect. (Ps. 19:7a) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ It is Authoritative. (James 1:22) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ It is Trustworthy. (Ps. 19:7b) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ It is Sufficient. (2 Tim. 3:15-17) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ The Bible Is Our Source of Spiritual Growth Read 1 Peter 2:2. What is the Word of God likened to? __________________________________ What is its significance?_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. What four things is the Word of God useful for?__________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What is the ultimate effect on the person trained by the Bible?____________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ The Bible Gives Direction in Life. Read Ps. 119:105. How is the Word described in this passage?_____________________________ _________________________________________________________________ In what specific ways has the Bible given direction to your life?____________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Preparations for the Next Lesson 1. What should be our response when biblical truth comes in conflict with popular opinion or personal feelings? Cite specific instances from your own experience of this conflict. What was your response? 2. Answer Lesson 9. 3. Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
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