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Moving on Towards
Spiritual Maturity

Lesson 7: How Can I Put This Relationship To Work?
               (The New Identity of the Believer)

The Bible teaches us that as believers in Jesus Christ, we are put into a new sphere or a new position - in Christ.

Before our salvation, we belonged to the sphere of sin - in sin. This is the realm wherein sin reigns as master (Rom. 3:9-18). Being in this position, we can only live as sin dictates.

Through God's mercy and love, however, He has rescued us from this state and transferred us into the sphere of His Son (Col. 1:13, 14). We are in perfect spiritual union with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Many wonderful things have become true as a result of our new union with Christ.

Let us study one of them...

Ephesians 2:1-10
                          The Old Sphere               The New Sphere
in sin (v. 1)                        in Christ (vv. 6, 10)

state                  dead (v. 1)                         made alive (v. 5)

lifestyle              followed the ways                 created in Christ Jesus
                     of this world...                     to do good works (v. 10)
                     disobedient (v.2)

master               the ruler of the                    Christ (cf. 5:10)
                     kingdom of the air (v. 2)

purpose             gratifying the cravings of          to do good works
                     our sinful nature (v. 3)            for the glory of God (cf. 5:8)

destiny               objects of wrath (v. 3)            heavenly realms (v. 6)

What is true of Jesus Christ is true of us on the basis of our union with Him. Since God raised Him from the dead, we too are made alive with Christ (Eph. 2:5). The new life we have, we live for the glory of God (Rom. 6:4).

Since the Father raised Jesus Christ to be "seated... in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 1:20), above the authority of sin and death, "we too are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2:6), above the dominion of sin and the power of death.

These are not truths for us to simply know, but rather these have a great bearing on our practical lives.

For instance:

   Sin has no hold on me any longer. I can say no to sin.

   The fear of death should no longer haunt me since my heavenly destiny is   guaranteed.

   Satan's rule has been broken. I can resist him.

We must fully understand our new identity (Who we are) and our tremendous resources (What we have) so that we may live the way we should as God's children.

Our New Identity

From the following passages, determine your new identity in Christ, and cite one practical implication of each truth on your behavior as a believer.

Acts 1:8- ________________________________________________________


Rom. 8:17 - ______________________________________________________


Rom. 6:1-5 - _____________________________________________________


2 Cor. 5:17 - ____________________________________________________


2 Cor. 5:21 - _____________________________________________________


Eph. 1:3 - _______________________________________________________


Eph. 1:4 - _______________________________________________________


Col.1:13, 14 - ____________________________________________________


2 Tim. 1:7 - _____________________________________________________


1 John 3:1-3 - ___________________________________________________


Preparations for the Next Lesson

1. Answer Lesson 8.
2. Memorize Colossians 1:13, 14.

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Copyright(c) 1995 NICKY JOYA
EBFC, Inc., Mandaluyong City

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