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6: How Can I Put This Relationship To Work? There is a story of a young woman who was the heiress to a large sum of wealth left by her grandfather. The grandfather however, was unknown to this young woman. All this time she was living a life of a pauper and had no idea of this large sum of wealth that belonged to her. The lawyers of the deceased grandfather tried their best to locate her, but to no avail. Until one day, twenty years later, she was located. The lawyers were able to tell the woman of her good fortune, but sadly, she will not enjoy it because she was on her deathbed when they found her. How unfortunate for the woman. She could have enjoyed the wealth that was hers all along, but because she didn't know of it, she was not able to. This story, although sad and strange, is being repeated in the lives of many Christians. They do not enjoy the tremendous benefits they possess in Christ simply because they are ignorant of them. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Once a person receives Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit indwells him or her as well. He has been baptized or totally identified with the Holy Spirit. This baptism is what ushers the believer into the Body of Christ or the family of believers. The Spirit of God is what marks a person as a child of God. According to Rom. 8:9, who does not have the Holy Spirit? _________________________________________________________________ Who has been baptized with the Spirit? _________________________________________________________________ For what purpose have they been baptized? _________________________________________________________________ The Holy Spirit enables a Christian to: Witness for Christ (Acts 1:8) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Understand God's Word (1 Cor. 2:11-14) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Serve God (1 Cor. 12:4-6) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Obey God's will (Ezk. 36:26, 27) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit In order to do these things, one needs to draw upon the power of the Holy Spirit. One is able to appropriate His power by yielding the Spirit's control. Eph. 3:16 ________________________________________________________ Eph. 5:18 ________________________________________________________ Gal. 5:16 _________________________________________________________ How does one yield to the Holy Spirit? Desire To Submit To God (Rom. 12:1, 2) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Repent From Your Sin (1 John 1:9; Ps. 32:1-5) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ask God To Control Your Life (1 John 5:14, 15) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ According to Gal. 5:22, 23, what should be visible in the life of a Christian who yields to the Spirit? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ The Sealing of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the Divine Mark given to believers the moment they trust in Jesus Christ. Read Eph. 1:13, 14. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ According to v. 14, the sealing of the Spirit signifies two things: 1. Assurance - (The Spirit) is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance... 2. Ownership - ...until the redemption of those who are God's possessions - to the praise of His glory. How do these truths affect your Christian life? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Preparations for the Next Lesson 1. Reflect on the lesson discussed. What specific resolutions has God moved you to make? Thank God for the Holy Spirit. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Answer Lesson 7.
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