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Me Lesson 10: Why and How Should I Pray? When a godly man was asked how he finds time to pray in the midst of a busy schedule, he replied, "I don't find the time, I take the time!" Prayer is one of the most important Christian activities, yet sad to say, one of the most neglected as well. However, if we desire to have a fruitful and dynamic Christian walk, it is imperative that we take the time to pray. The Importance of Prayer 1. Prayer Moves The Hands Of God. 1 John 5:14, 15 ____________________________________________________ Jer. 33:3 __________________________________________________________ 2. Prayer Is A Means To Worship And Glorify God. Ps. 29:2 ___________________________________________________________ Ps. 8:1 ____________________________________________________________ 3. Prayer Is A Means Of Overcoming Temptation. Read Matthew 26:40-45. How many times did Jesus ask His disciples to pray? ______________________ Why did He ask them to pray? ________________________________________ What did the disciples prefer to do? ____________________________________ 4. Prayer Helps Us To Deal With Worry. Phil. 4:6, 7 ________________________________________________________ 1 Pet. 5:7 _________________________________________________________ How To Pray Effectively 1. Prayer should primarily be God-centered. Much of our prayers are need-centered and therefore self-centered. We must learn to worship and praise God for who He is and what He has accomplished. Cite three attributes you can praise God for. Cite three specific things God has done for you. 2. Remove all barriers. Many prayers are unheard simply because we allow sin to remain in our lives. Confession to God is the only remedy to this problem. Ps. 66:18 Ps. 51:1-4 Three things are involved in genuine confession: Remorse For Sin - Confession involves maintaining a sense of hatred for the sin we have committed. "Hate evil, you who love the Lord" (Ps. 97:10). Repentance From Sin - God desires that we also turn away from our sins. Release From Sin - Having admitted our sins to God, we can claim God's forgiveness. Do not allow unhealthy guilt to remain. Be assured of His mercy (1 John 1:9). Recall to mind specific sins you have committed against God and others. Take time to confess them. If there is injury, reconcile yourself to that person. 3. Sincerely express your needs to God. It is the Lord's desire that we live in absolute dependence on His power (Matt. 7:7,8; John 16:24). Be sure to intercede for others as well. Pray for other believers. Pray for the ministry of the church. Pray for your Christian leaders and those involved in proclaiming the Gospel (Eph. 6:18). In expressing your needs to God, be specific, be fervent and be patient.
List down three specific items you have been praying for. How has God responded to these requests? __________________________________________________________________ Preparations for the Next Lesson 1. Evaluate your prayer life. Can you say that prayer is one of the top
priority-activities in your life? Why or why not?
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