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12: How Can I Live Victoriously? The world is another enemy the Christian has to contend with if he is to live a victorious life. The Bible warns Christians: "Do not love the world or anything in the world...For everything in the world. - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world" (1 John 2:15, 16). In this lesson, we are going to study the story of Daniel and how he triumphantly resisted the world. We are sure to identify with the pressures, and find the principles applicable to our own times. The World System By the term world, Scripture does not mean the physical world. Rather, it refers to "the world system and the values it holds on to." According to 1 John 2:16, what three things does the world system regard highly? 1. ________________________________________________________________ According to the following verses, who dominates the world system and how is he referred to in each verse? John 12:31 ________________________________________________________ 2 Cor. 4:4 _________________________________________________________ Eph. 2:2 __________________________________________________________ According to James 4:4, what do we become when we befriend the world system? Why is that so? __________________________________________________________________ Dare To Be A Daniel Read Daniel 1:1-21 As a believer living in a pagan society, Daniel and his three friends were being pressured to adhere to pagan values and ways that were contrary to God's directives. List some of the pressures they encountered. __________________________________________________________________ What do you think would have happened if they succumbed to these pressures? __________________________________________________________________ Make a list of anti-biblical values the world system is seeking to pressure people to adhere to? How does the world system pressure people to conform to its standards? __________________________________________________________________ What are the consequences of conforming to these pressures? From your own personal experience, cite an encounter with worldly pressure. How did you respond to it? What was the result? __________________________________________________________________ Daniel was able to overcome the pressures of the world by... 1. Knowing the will of God. Daniel was firmly established in the foundation of God's Word. He was fully convinced of the Bible's truthfulness. 2. Whole-heartedly obeying God's commands. There was no double-mindedness on Daniel's part. 3. Taking a decisive stand. "Daniel resolved," the Bible states, not to succumb to the pressures. 4. Accepting the possible consequences to his obedience. He was well aware of the consequences of his stand. Nevertheless, what God desired was all that mattered to Daniel. Preparations for the Next Lesson 1. What specific pressures are you encountering from the world at the present?
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