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Moving on Towards
Spiritual Maturity

Lesson 1: Who is Jesus Christ?

In Matthew 16:13, Jesus asked His disciples this all-important question: "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

The reply of the disciples in verse 14 gives us an idea of the people's confusion: "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

Today, the situation remains the same. A wide range of answers would still be given to the same question. Someone may talk to you about Jesus Christ but maintain an unbiblical view of His Person.

It is imperative that we get to know who the Man-Christ is. The way we will relate to Him rests upon our concept of His identity and works.

The Person of Jesus Christ

1. His Deity

Read the Scripture passages below and determine what they say about Jesus Christ.

a. His Essence Or Nature

Col 2:9; Heb 1:3; John 10:30







b. His Authority

Over demons (Eph 1:20, 21) _________________________________________

Over angels (Heb 1:7, 8) ____________________________________________

Over sin (1 John 1:9; 2:2; 3:5) _______________________________________

Over death (John 11:25, 26; 38-44) ___________________________________

c. His Eternality

John 1:1, 2




d. His Holiness

2 Cor. 5:21; 1 John 3:3, 5




e. His Name

Write the Names attributed to Jesus Christ in the following passages:

John 8:58 (See also Ex. 3:13, 14) _____________________________________

John 20:28 ________________________________________________________

Titus 2:13 ________________________________________________________

Heb. 1:8 _________________________________________________________

Rev. 22:13, 16 (See also Rev. 1:8) ___________________________________

2. His Humanity

a. What human characteristics of Jesus can you cite from the following passages?

Matt. 4:2 _________________________________________________________

John 4:6 _________________________________________________________

John 11:35 _______________________________________________________

John 19:28 ________________________________________________________

b. How did Jesus acquire human nature according to Phil. 2:6, 7 and John 1:14 (see also Matt. 1:18-21)?




c. For what purpose did Jesus come in the flesh according to Heb. 2:9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18?




The Works of Jesus Christ

What work has Jesus Christ accomplished based on the following passages?

Col. 1:16 _________________________________________________________

Heb. 1:3 _________________________________________________________

Matt. 8:28-34 ____________________________________________________

Matt. 9:18-26 ____________________________________________________

Mark 2:1-12 _____________________________________________________

The Claims of Jesus Christ

What has Jesus claimed about Himself according to the following passages found in the Gospel of John?

4:10 ____________________________________________________________

4:25, 26 ________________________________________________________

5:16-18 _________________________________________________________

5:24-27 _________________________________________________________

6:35 ____________________________________________________________

8:12 ____________________________________________________________

10:11, 14 ________________________________________________________

10:30 ___________________________________________________________

11:25, 26 _______________________________________________________

14:6 ____________________________________________________________

Preparations for the Next Lesson

1. Answer Lesson 2.
2. Memorize John 1:1,2.

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Copyright(c) 1995 NICKY JOYA
EBFC, Inc., Mandaluyong City

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